Episode 5
Things are hotting up and beginning to go at a
pace as plot themes continue and develop.
One important Austen aspect I think Andrew
Davis does highlight and portrays in
this series is the power and strength of women subverting the male patriarchy.
Charlotte continues to be feisty. Georgiana continues to be rebellious and
Esther Denham and Clara Brereton continue to be wicked. Lady Denham with her
wealth is enabled to boss everybody.
Charlotte continues to act as a go between,
between Georgiana and Otis. She brings a letter for Georgiana. As a guise to allow Georgiana
to read the letter in the vicinity of Mrs Griffiths Charlotte reads out loud
from Mary Brunton’s book , “Self
Control.” A witty 18th century type of joke there. Ha! Ha!
Lady Denham continues to be a match maker for
her neice Esther. She has actually been writing letters to Lord Babington in
Esthers name.Esther is mortified and seething with anger of course. A meeting
between Lord Babington is arranged, Lord Babington proposes. Who would have
thought? Esther turns him down.He is far too dissolute for her, poor man She
really is in love with her ,”brother,” Edward. A passionate full on kiss later
on proves incontrovertibly the truth of the matter to us the viewer.
. An annual Sanditon cricket match between the
Workers and The Gentlemen is a crowd puller and a positive advert for the town.
Tom is desperate for it to go ahead but there is a problem. Will the workers team turn up? They
have not been paid their wages. An equally desperate Young Mr Stringer ,
the captain of the workers team, needs money for materials and equipment to continue building Sanditon. Tom Parker is in a mess and it seems to be getting worse for him.
All of Sanditon turns out on the beach to watch
the match. Lady Denham, Clara, Esther, Georgiana and Charlotte and many more
are spectators. The gentlemen team wait for the workers team to arrive. Tom
Parker, to assure their participation, promises them their wages. The workers
arrive but Stringer loudly proclaims the workers grievances about no pay and
Lady Denham and Mrs Parker, who have
both been kept in the dark about the dire financial situation now know all.
What will happen next?
The game begins. The Workers are all out for 86
runs. The Gentlemen go into bat and are doing well. It looks an even game. One
of the gentlemen can’t take his turn batting and Charlotte offers to take his
place. Shock horror. This is a gentlemen’s game after all. Charlotte is
unperturbed and tells how she often played cricket with her brothers and
sisters. She goes into bat and hits the final runs for the Genltemen’s team to
win. Another knock at the patriarchy. Hurray!!!Mr Stringers lenient bowling and
chivalry may have had something to do with it though.
While everybody has been distracted by the
cricket., Georgiana has escaped and run off to the town where she thinks she is
going to meet Otis. Otis is not there but she is bundled into a coach and
driven off. Charlotte is horror struck. She and Sydney have another shouting
match, this is becoming a regular theme in this series. Charlotte, the feisty
individual she is, decides to go off to London…..is that where Georgiana has
been taken... on her own to find Georgiana. End of episode. This is turning into
a lively version of Miss Marple or even Poirotte. We shall see. Everything is
up in the air. Phew. Exciting.

Episode 6:
Think European noire films from the 40s. Think Grahame
Greens ,”Third Man,” starring Orson Wells filmed in black and white. Charlotte
arrives in London at night time, alighting in the dark and dingy narrow foul
smelling streets with shifty dangerous characters at every turn, in every
doorway and alleyway. “I don’t know where I am?” She begins to wander aimlessly
looking for the address she has for Otis, a hopeless endeavor it would seem.
She is out of her depth. A man grabs her from behind and we imagine all sorts
terrible things are about to happen when a tall, burly shaded character in
black intervenes and brutally punches her assailant. There, suddenly is Sydney
standing next to her ready to fight off all attackers. I must admit I have been
remiss in this area of Sydneys abilities as a pugilist. In the first episode I
failed to inform you that Sydney takes part in a boxing bout for the
entertainment of an audience. He savagely beats up and cuts his opponent. So
Sydney has history in the art of fighting. It must have been a miracle that
Sydney should have been there at the very moment Charlotte was about to lose,
even her life, perhaps. But this is an Andrew Davies story of course.
The address for Otis is an inn near the docks.
He uses the premises merely to pick up his post occasionally. Otis does not
live here. Sydney and Charlotte enquire about Georgiana. The only possible place
is a brothel. Charlotte, in her innocence enters with Sydney who is well known
by the madam. Oh dear me. Its getting worse. It appears he is a client. Charlotte
strangely does not appear too perturbed by this revelation. Should she have been? It seems Georgiana has been sold to a wealthy gentleman who, when we
see him, bears some resemblance to portraits of the Prince Regent. He wants to
marry Georgiana for her inheritance. Otis turns out to be a gambler deep in
debt to this unsavory character.
We begin to understand some of Sydney’s
behaviour towards Otis and his reluctance that Georgiana should associate with him.
In Antigua Georgiana’s father, who was
dieing, an old friend of Sydney’s has entrusted Georgiana to his care until she
becomes of age to claim her inheritance. Sydney thinks of Otis as a predator
only wanting to marry Georgina to get her fortune, a husband takes over the
wealth of his wife, to pay off his debts and to have a fund to fuel his
gambling habits. They find Otis eventually and he denies this version of things
and feels hard done by. He loves Georgiana.
The three find the house of the gentleman who
has bought and paid for Georgiana and discovers they have eloped to Gretna
Green, a place across the Scottish boarders where a license to marry is
unnecessary. That reminds me of Wickham and Lydia but we have no time to make
connections. Things are moving at a pace. They have already left a few hours previously. Charlotte and Sydney take a carriage to intercept them. A carriage chase ensues
at a speed, all of the blistering pace of perhaps 20 miles an hour, that's when the
going is good of course. The excitement builds and the coaches pull level. Their drivers
whip the horses into faster and faster motion. Sydney times his jump and leaps
on to the driving seat of the escaping carriage. A sharp elbow to the chin of
the driver renders him unconscious. Sydney halts the carriage and retrieves
Georgiana. The portly, slavering, kidnapper calls, “ What about my £1800?
Actually that is a considerable amount of money. Georgiana is returned to
Sanditon safely, intact and unsullied, I think.
Meanwhile back at the ranch, sorry Sanditon,
things are not going well.Tom thinks he has hit rock bottom. He can’t pay his
workers at all. There is no more money for materials and he despairs that he has lost
the trust of his dear wife. He looks, and we feel, his deep depression. Sydney is
informed about this situation in a conversation between the two brothers and Sydney
offers £3000 of his own money. Tom is humbled and grateful. He has been saved,
for now. He has got to repair the relationship with his wife though. I have had
my suspicions about Sydney’s wealth. He obviously has made money in his West
Indian adventures although he declares to Charlotte that he deplores slavery
and does not condone it. So how has he got his wealth? Another episode will
reveal more. There are only two to go.
At the end of the last episode Lady Denham
appeared to be dieing or was she dead? No, she is still alive, bedridden and
weakening and declares in a feint voice. “ I am well. There is nothing wrong
with me. I shall recover.” Are we to believe her? Lord Edward begins a frantic
search for Lady Denhams will, searching day and night. He leaves nothing
unturned. His sister Esther thinks even with the possession of the will they
can’t persuade Lady Denham to change it.
Just when his searching proves
fruitless Clara appears, holding between her thumb and forefinger, the will. She
had possession of it all along. Lord Edward promises that she can have one fifth
of the proceeds of the will. They destroy the will burning it on the fire. With the will gone Lord Edward will be the
natural recipient if there is no other evidence. Clara at first agrees to this
arrangement. However, she has other ideas. More in keeping with the brothel in
London, we wonder further about Clara’s past, she skillfully seduces him., Taking
charge she climbs on top of Lord Edward’s ,”manhood,” as she prostrates him on
the floor and ,”rides,” him to their mutual, gasping, heavy breathing climaxes.(
My goodness this sounds like a slutty novel. Ha! Ha!) Clara then ups the stakes
and demands a quarter of the will. Why? How? Because she will tell Esther what
has just occurred and also, I suppose, if she becomes pregnant that will be
another factor to help Lord Edward keep his word. I can’t help thinking that the wily old Lady
Denham will have more than one copy of her will. Surely her solicitor will have
a copy ? But we shall see. So, would you like to know what was written in the
will? Of course you would. Clara and Edward read it before destroying it. The
bulk of the inheritance was for the development of Sanditon. The rest, well, to
a donkey sanctuary. I do not jest.
Anyway. Things are just beginning to look up
for Tom Parker and Sanditon. Lord Babington, who is now appearing to be quite a
good sort and not the dissolute type everybody thinks he is, arranges a ball in
London for all the glitterati to promote a sailing regatta Tom wants to hold
off the coast at Sanditon. Tom thinks this regatta will be the highlight of the
year and draw many more people to Sanditon. The ball goes ahead and Charlotte reluctantly attends. Sydney has changed his mind about
Charlotte and shows her a lot of attention.
Is this the beginnings of love? Charlotte is told that it is love she is
feeling when she meets a mysterious, sophisticated, lady ensconced in the green
house at the back of the ballroom. Who is she? Charlotte reveals her thoughts
and mixed up feelings to this stranger. Sydney arrives to
take Charlotte back to the dance floor. But a twist at the end reveals that a
past love of Sydney’s, Eliza, who married another man for money instead of
Sydney is attending the ball. She is now widowed. Sydney shows her attention
and is obviously distracted by her. We finish this episode, the camera on the
face of Charlotte, distraught and not knowing what on earth is going on.
Yes, this is getting quite good. But, as I have
said before its definitely not Jane Austen.

Episode 7
If you have every watched,” The Adam’s Family,”
an American horror, comedy film and TV series about a family made up of ghosts
and monsters you can imagine the beginning of this episode, the penultimate
episode to Sanditon. In a darkened room, Lady Denham is laid out like a corpse,
surrounded by her supposedly grieving family, Edward Denham, Esther Denham and
Clara Brereton, all looking suitably somber.
Lady Denham is not yet dead but we assume the moment is nigh. Esther is
left on her own with the dying Lady Denham and as she lies there. Esther pours
her poisonous heart out into the ear of Lady Denham telling her as she dies
about their scheming plans to take her wealth. She speaks about the burning of
her will and the sexual passion enacted on her ballroom floor between Clara and
Edward. Esther is venomous and sneering in her recount. There is not a flicker
of consciousness from the apparently unconscious Lady Denham. The viewer can’t
help thinking that all this ire surely cannot go to waste. There is the overriding feeling that Lady Denham will suddenly sit up
straight and make us all leap out of our seats in shock. Was she conscious
enough to take in the bile and nastiness that poured out of Esther's mouth into her ear?
It is the early morning. A mist clears over the
calm sea. In the far distance, onto the
pristine, flat, yellow sands, beneath a pale blue morning sky emerges a far off
naked Sydney fresh form his early
morning sea bathing. Then suddenly the camera turns to a shot of his slender
hairy wet legs as he apparently dries off his upper half with a towel, out of view. All erotic
thoughts are annulled. Good sex is about
being aflame with passion. Here we just have wet hairy legs. Nice!.Theo James,
who plays Sydney Parker, permanently has a furrowed look of concerned anguish,
and confusion on his face. This facial expression has not altered for the whole
seven episodes so far and I doubt, with that expression apparently frozen on
his face , it ever will.
Charlotte visits Georgiana at Mrs Griffiths
lodgings. Georgiana seems to be recovering but is in a sulk. Will she be
reunited with Otis? Not during this episode anyway.
Clara, Edward and Esther are profoundly shocked
to their very ,”foundations,” by the sudden news that lady Denham has made a
full recovery. Dr Fox is delighted. What is more she was ,”compos mentis,” all
through Esther’s vituperative speech about the hatred for her and the awful
things they plotted against her while
she apparently lay unconscious. She knows all the nasty intrigues that have
been going on. After the lack of
eroticism in the scene with Sydney’s
hairy legs earlier, Lady Denham gives eroticism another great kick in ,”the
behind.”. She is disgusted at the thought of Clara and Edward having sex on her
ballroom floor and declares that she will have to have the ballroom resurfaced.
A,”cold shower,” on the ardour of Edward and Clara. Lady Denham proceeds to pack Clara off back
to her family never to return and then proceeds to kick Edward out too, never
to return. She appears to want to retain Esther for some nefarious reason,
perhaps, enticing her with the thought that she alone remains to inherit her
fortune. But, that is not what the original will said! I don’t know. Lady Denham
has obviously got something up her sleeve yet.
Tom Parker is proceeding with plans for the
regatta. The regatta is to be a skiff
race with rowers on a local river. Anybody who lives or has visited the South
Coast of England knows that a regatta is a race between sailing boats but I
suppose that would be too cumbersome and slow an event for a TV series. Andrew
Davies transposes the regatta to a rowing race on a river instead. Lady
Worcester, the mysterious lady with the advice about love Charlotte met at the
London Ball arrives in Sanditon with all her wealthy aristocratic followers.
Tom Parker thinks it is to attend the regatta but Lady Worcester has come to
see Charlotte. Of course the regatta benefits from her attendance and the
attendance of her friends.
Eliza Campion is among the visitors and she is
in Sanditon to continue and further her relationship with Sydney. Charlotte
feels rejected and in emotional turmoil. Charlotte and Sydney have their
moments and Sydney’s look of pained confusion does sterling work. Eliza of
course commandeers most of his attention. She is beginning to see Charlotte as
an adversary in Sydney’s affections. Sydney is confused.
At the regatta Charlotte performs her job as Mr
Parkers’ accountant. She collects the
takings and records the receipts, while
Lady Worcester, Eliza Campion and all the other members of Sanditon society
watch Mr Stringer and his boat win the regatta in a close finish with the
Parker brothers boat. Charlotte has a moment or two with Mr Stringer who is
obviously in love with her. The last episode will bring
that situation to a conclusion. It has to.
Lady Denham, has some of the best lines in this
episode. She gives a heartfelt speech to her nephew and nieces explaining the
corruption and misery money brings and lambasts the three of them using that
brilliant word, "venality," to describe their behaviour.
Sir Edward is seen wandering the streets of
Sanditon staggering about drunk. He puts on a cheerful face to Esther when he brazenly
announces, “We have won. It’s all ours.” He thinks Esther,as the only apparent heir to Lady Denham will include him in whatever she gets.
He is mistaken of course. Esther rejects him. He has broken her heart and treated
her abominably and she has now had her eyes opened to Edwards atrocious
treatment. She rejects him. That nasty snake in the grass, that pompous, vain, revolting
character, that worm ridden,"pineapple," is laid low. Hurrah!! You feel like shouting.
But what has Lady
Denham really in store for Esther? Maybe she has a cruel come down prepared for
her part in all the subterfuge. There is some positive hope for her. Lord Babbington
who at first always appeared as a ,”playboy,” has
developed into a truly kind and caring person. He
loves her and professes that he can only imagine the terrible acts and injustices her brother has brought to her. He
has not given up on Esther. He approaches her again to marry him. By the
look on Esther’s face, a look of doubtful hope she may be changing her ideas towards him.
Again, the last episode will reveal all.
Lady Worcester returns to London announcing she
will return with a friend. Tom Parker can only assume her friend is The Prince
Regent. However, I personally think Lady Worcester is far too much a sane,
kind, intelligent and thoughtful person
for an alliance with that profligate. I will be disappointed in her if it is him.
Surely not. I wonder who she means
though? And why is she so interested in Charlotte? We will see. This is getting
interesting. To be truthful this series
of episodes has been interesting for
some time.
The episode ends with Eliza Campion returning
to London apparently with Sydney and we are left with Charltote, a bereft,
heart broken, expression on her face. Suddenly, unexpectedly, Sydney appears. He looks at
“I am only my truest self when I am with you.”
End of
episode. Role credits. Blimey! Is that good or not?

Episode 8
Well, we are here, Episode 8 and we think
everything is going to be resolved or , maybe not. Jane Austen would bring
things to a gentle close and give our character’s hope and we as the readers
would feel only good wishes for everybody’s future. But, what of
Andrew Davies in this imagining of Sanditon?
The episode starts with a loan Charlotte
Heywood walking along the wide flat yellow sands of Sanditon beach, a calm flat
sea in the background and a benign blue sky above. We almost wish we could
enjoy the walk with her, but this is a contemplative moment for Charlotte and I
would not wish to break her calm solitude.
Her walk takes her back to the centre of
Sanditon town with passersby, carriages trundling along and Tom and Sydney
Parker, standing in the street, contemplating Sanditon’s progress. A
self-satisfied moment with some hope for the somewhat, at times, harassed Tom
Parker. Tom is his ebullient self on greeting Charlotte but Sydney and
Charlotte look coyly at each other, both holding the memories of their last
meeting and what was said between them.
The scene changes to Charlotte visiting
Georgiana in her rooms and the two talk about Otis and other matters when
Sydney reappears to check up on his wayward ward. Charlotte and Sydney have a moment
or two to talk and they both have Sydneys words to Charlotte in their minds, “
I only feel my true self when I am with you.”
We can sense the chemistry. They are evidently beginning to arouse
strong emotions in each other.
Mr Stringer announces to his father that he has
received a letter informing him that a London architect will take him on as an
apprentice. A choleric Old Mr Stringer is not impressed but Young Mr Stringer
stands firm in ambitions.
Lady Denham has turned into a tyrant towards
Esther giving her orders and making demands of her.”Play the pianoforte for
me.” “ Lady Denham you know I can’t play very well.” “Play it, and sing while
you are at it.” This is getting nasty.
The old bat!! Suddenly Lord Babbington arrives and wants to pay his respects to
Esther. Esther declines but Lady Denham makes her go for a carriage ride with
Lord Babbington. The carriage ride begins with a frosty atmosphere. As they ride along the beach Lord Babington
suggest Esther takes the reins.Some sort of symbolism for what is about to occur I think. She takes over driving the horses
and they race at breakneck speed across the sands. Esther shows joy and glee on
her face and begins to enjoy herself. Lady Denham reveals her past love life to Esther
and how she lost her great love, Tolly because she wasn’t socially acceptable.
All of a sudden the viewr begins to feel sympathy for Lady Denham as indeed by
the thoughtful look on Esthers face, Esther does too. Esther is changing her view
of Lord Babbington. When he proposes
again they have a discussion about her liberty. Will she still be able
to make her own decisions? Will she be a kept woman? Lord Babbington reassures
that he loves her because of her independent spirit and wouldn’t want her any
other way. This is a discussion about the role and influence of women in a
marriage. Some great 18th century social commentary. Esther, under
the circumstances agrees to marrying Lord Babbington and they kiss, Hurray!. A
good kiss, but, not as good as what is to come!! Wait for it now.
We next see Sydney and Charlotte taking a cliff
top walk. Charlotte purportedly is on her way to get a fitting for the dress
she will wear at Sanditons summer ball. We think, great, another ball. We need
one of those to complete this series. However as they walk Sydney realizes they
are going away from the town but Charlotte doesn’t mind. She has that giddy
look of love.They stand. They look into each others eyes. Their hearts are
pounding. Our hearts are pounding. They both admit to not sleeping for thinking
about eahc other. We remember what Sydney said to Charlotte,“I am only my truest self when I am with you.” They
pause. They look into each others eyes some more. The camera gets a close up of
their two faces getting closer and closer . They pause. They look. We look.
Their lips are almost touching. Then!! The climax. They kiss. WOW!!! Elation
all round.
I feel exhausted writing this. Now, you must be
aware, Sydney has not yet asked Charlotte to marry him. So let’s hold on a bit
Charlotte and Mrs Parker arrive at the ball
together. Charlotte can talk intimately with Mrs Parker. “How do you know when
you are in love?” asks Charlotte. “With Mr Parker I just knew. You just know
when you are.” The ball scene is a glittering and bright affair with
chandeliers and candles. Tom Parker announces to the gathered throng, “ Let joy
be unconfined.”
Meanwhile Young Mr Stringer is getting ready
for the ball but argues with his sick father about things like ambitons, improving
yourself in society, his hopes for Charlotte Heywood. Young Mr Stringer is in
love with her obviously and his coming apprenticeship. Old Mr Stringer is
against all this ambition.They part on angry terms as Young Mr Parker goes to
the ball. Left on his own, in a candle lit room, Old Mr Parker has an apparent
heart attack falling onto the lit candles knocking them over. We can guess the
consequences. The scene moves to the ball.
Now things move along. Georgiana confronts
her guardian Sydney over his intentions about Charlotte. She doesn’t like
Sydney and berates him to Charlotte. This is not foreboding well it seems.
Young Mr Stringer dances with Charlotte but she admits to him she is in love
with Sydney. He actually takes it very gracefully. They talk about his future
plans and apprenticeship and Charltote is very supportive and encouraging. So
that little problem is over.Lady Denham and Esther arrive at the ball. Lord
Babbington spies Esther and admits his love for her to his friends. He is
obviously besotted. They dance together. Everything is going swimmingly untl
Sir Edward gatecrashes the ball shouting and remonstrating. He reveals his love
for his,”sister,” and pleads for her to come with him. The whole assembled ball
are aghast. They now know about their incestuous relationship. Sydney bundles
Sir Edward out of the ballroom to who knows where. Esther looks pleadingly at
Lord Babbington. He reiterates his undying love and pronounces he doesn’t care
about her past. All is well. The ball continues. Lady Denham when asked about
this revelation merely replies she has no opinion about it.
Sydney manages to dance with Charlotte and they
of course have a balcony scene looking
down on the assembled dancers. No betrothal yet. We are kept on edge. When will
they say the words?
An alarm goes up. Sanditon is aflame. The fire
begun by Old Mr Stringer knocking over candles has spread. A whole terrace of
houses is aflame. Buckets of water. Chains of people and an 18th
century fire engine pulled by Sydney and the other men of the town arrives.
They douse the flames but the terrace is destroyed. Tom and Sydney stand
amongst the debris the following morning. Arthur,and Diana come to their sides.
The Parkers resolve to rebuild Sanditon to an even better standard. The
insurance will cover the money. AGH!! The insurance. Tom has not got round to
insuring the buildings of Sanditon. Diana pledges her endowment and so does Arthur.
They are unselfish for all their irritating quirks but then Sydney
enquires how much debt needs to be repaid. £80, 000. “Cor blimey governor!!”
I’m speechless. Gloom and doom hovers over the group.
We are nearly at the end now, I assure you. Arthur
and Diana return to London. Arthur vowing to be a bachelor for the rest of his life, to the relief somewhat of his sister. Dr Fuchs has taken up residence in Harley Street.
They intend to visit him. often. Sydney and Tom request a weeks leeway from Lady
Denham who demands that her investment be returned.Sydney goes off once more on a quest for finances. Charlotte
is left wondering what is going to happen. Sydney returns. He has acquired the
necessary investment to cover Tom’s costs. All is cheerfulness. Sydney and Charlotte are left to talk. Sydney looks grave. Charlotte, “ What’s wrong
Sydney?” Sydney reveals he has asked Eliza Campion to marry him. She will
provide the money to save Sanditon. OH, MY, God!!! Charlotte is devastated.
Sydney looks a broken man.
We do have a joyous wedding though. Lord
Babbington and Esther Denham marry to great celebrations. And the assembled
throng look exceedingly happy including Charlotte, Which is a little puzzling. A continuity fail or just Charlotte putting on a happy face for the wedding? , Eliza has arrived back in Sanditon to claim Sydney.
Charlotte decides to return home to her family at Willingden.
And at the end we see her riding in a coach across the cliff tops. But wait,
suddenly Sydney rides up and stops the coach. Charlotte and Sydney talk and he professes
his undying love but he must marry Eliza. Charlotte is heart broken as she
travels on. We are heartbroken for her and Sydney is a mess. The END.
So many strands unfinished. Georgiana and Otis,
what happens between those two? What will happen eventually between Charlotte and
Sydney? Surely Eliza must die in some horrible circumstances to leave Sydney
eventually free? Will Sanditon be rebuilt? Will Tom Parker eventually get a
settled life? Will Mr Stringer become the greatest architect ever known? What
will happen to Lady Denham? And, what of the dastardly Sir Edward and Clara
Brereton? I can see her running a brothel in Covent Garden but that’s just my
opinion. And whatever happened to Lady Worcester who befriended Charlotte and promised to return? So many things. Yes, I know, there must be a second series. .Andrew
Davies can’t leave us like that. Can he?
Tom Parker to Charlotte, " has this all been a terrible experience for you Charlotte?"
Charlotte," It has been the most amazing experience of my life."
A great answer for a twenty two year old who has a whole life ahead of her. A realistic end then. Perhaps the only end there should be?
Tom Parker to Charlotte, " has this all been a terrible experience for you Charlotte?"
Charlotte," It has been the most amazing experience of my life."
A great answer for a twenty two year old who has a whole life ahead of her. A realistic end then. Perhaps the only end there should be?
Rita Watts, manages,
"All Things Jane Austen Group." She lives in Boston, Massachusetts and will be posting articles about the eight part series, SANDITON:
Rita, has over 47,000 followers.
"All Things Jane Austen Group." She lives in Boston, Massachusetts and will be posting articles about the eight part series, SANDITON:
Rita, has over 47,000 followers.