I've just read an interesting entry on Mary Simonson's Blog ( Austen Inspired Fan Fiction by Mary Simonson)about mummers and May Day celebrations here in England.
I live not far from Wimbledon Common and Wimbledon Green. Every Easter and every May Day, Mummers and Morris dancers perform outside the Crooked Billett and Hand in Hand Pubs next to Wimbledon Green on the edge of the common. You will find Morris men in action in English villages throughout the Summer months.
Three years ago some children and parents from my school, that run a morris dancers society called the, Spring Grove Morris Men, performed on The Green. They have a web site called Spring Grove Morris Men. They offer morris dancing lessons for free, if you are interested.
Some of my family and many of my friends were in the crowd watching them.
I think it is wonderful when ancient traditions are preserved, and I learned that morris dancers and mummers are the same thing. Thanks, Tony. Your blog is a wealth of information. P.S. Any pictures of you dancing?